I have been using this Policy Analysis Unessay assignment for a few years now and the work students have submitted has been creative and impressive. But nothing had my jaw hitting the floor quite like this assignment I received this year. I’m very grateful to this student for allowing me to share their work here. This student used their background and knowledge in graphic design, along with their keen research and storytelling skills, to tell the story of the Indian Act in the format of a sci-fi comic.

A comic book page showing the treaty history of Canada.
One of my favourite pages from the comic showing the incredible intersection of depth of research and analysis and design skill in this project!

This student approaches the topic from the social position of a non-Indigenous settler person and has wanted to make that very clear. When I asked where they wanted to take this project next they said that for the moment they were happy for it to be just shared and read by others. So please read on and enjoy and learn from the sci-fi comic “Unsettling Canadians,” and if you would like, share it with your colleagues, students and community members!

(To be clear all the work below is authored by a student in the SSW 122 Social Welfare in Canada class. My name is on the front cover as the course instructor. Also, in order to publish the PDF I reduced the file size which created some discolouration that was not present in the original high-resolution document.)
